Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Reflective Learning for Entrepreneurship

Name: Vinorth Mourice Wijarajah
Student ID: 0308545
Nationality: Sri Lankan
Hobbies and Interest: playing chess, playing video games and reading books
Age: 24

What are the skills that were required to get the Entrepreneurship Day and Business Plan sorted out.

communication skill, Interpersonal skills,  and Thinking and Problem-solving skills. I would say these are the three important skills need to to have successful business as well as in this case for me and my group to do the assignment. having a proper communication is the most important part. miss communication can end up in major problems for which it could affect the whole group. also communication is important to know what is going on and to also assign work and keep track on them. fro all of this action communication is important. Managing one self is important because it depend on how well he/she can do the work more effectively and quickly. managing one self includes time management and as well as daily work management. should be able to identify the best and effective ways to do all the given work in the given time frame, and also do a good job. the final skill which is Thinking and Problem solving skill is to identify what has gone wrong or, when there is some problem in the group, how to solve without hurting other group member. this is also an important skill for feature if we are working in a guest relation department or marketing. but most important for people who are to open their own business. after the Entrepreneurship day i was able to fully grasp the above mention skill and was able to apply on that day. since i own my own establishment this skills would be useful to me.

What is the most challenging or best part of working in a group?

I would say the most challenging part was giving my own opinion or ideas. Because some time they tend to ignore me when i talk or give an idea. ans some time they speak on their own language which is Chinese and i have to ask then to repeat it in English. But the best part was to know how to do the business plan. For which i did not have an idea on how to do and also i enjoyed working with them on the day of when we were told to set up our own business. Even though they some time did not take my ideas they were friendly and used my ideas on other sections such as when doing the business plan i was able to implement my idea in the marketing section.

How did I feel about being the leader or an ordinary group member?

As an ordinary member it was fun working as a team. though we had head of the department and tam leader we still worked as Equal and was treated fairly which was a good experience for me.

Could I do things differently

In my perspective i would say yes. i could have done more on the designing the poster and also having a slogan for the business. Assign a job for every one so every one will feel that all of  the group members were working, and all will have a good experience.

What was the difference when working with course mate from different background

Was able to understand how they think, the methods of communication, and also their was fun working with them, which gave me a good experience on how to communicant with them, what kind of methods i should use to make them understand my opinion and also their way of thinking. Because most of us were from different background and we all have our way of thinking and doing things, also attitudes. This was good opportunity for me to understand and study also have a working experience with people who are having various perspectives  this will help me in feature to identify the best way to interact and communicate with people from similar background. so that we will not have any miss communication or bad ideas of others.

Which part of this assignment did I do very well and not very well?Why?

I did the Marketing part and also the Human Resources. i was able  to do these because i had a good knowledge on this subjects also working experience in these departments  I was mainly able to help my friends with the marketing part because i my self is interested in marketing and i tend to read book, blogs and articles on marketing.Such as method, trends and ideas. Also i plan to have my job on the marketing department and also i enjoy working in the marketing section. This is the department where we get to interact with guest and also travel around. We also get to know about the new trends of business and can learn about different kind of culture, backgrounds and ideas.

What skills do I need to improve?

I would say i need to brush up my communication skill for which to express my idea in a effective way. Because i tend to elaborate a lot which makes the person listing a bit bored. also interpersonal skill, because i tend to lost track in the work i do. I feel that these are the most important skills for my feature job. And if i have to be  successful in my feature and to succeed my dreams for feature.
These skills are not only for my i feel that every student like me should have these skills and should improve them accordingly.

Monday, May 30, 2011

How to Polish Rings With Bread

With all the emphasis on GOING GREEN why not find a natural way to clean your rings using slices of white bread? It doesn't cost much because you usually have bread in the house. It doesn't take as long as jewelry soaking; so it is something you can do within minutes in your kitchen. 

  • Cut the crust off the bread.
    Form a ball with the white section of the bread. Add just enough water to your hands to allow the bread to become wet and doughy.

  • Making sure your hands are over the bowl, place the ring in the center of the ball. The bowl will catch the bread and ring in the event you accidentally drop them.
    Place the ball firmly in your hands and begin rubbing the ring with the wet bread. Make sure the faucet is running at a slower rate at this point. The bread will begin to form a paste in your hands.
    Continue rubbing the ring with the paste. Do not worry about any of the bread paste getting into crevices as it will wash out in the next step.

  • When you are satisfied with the ring's cleanliness and sparkle, increase the flow of water and rinse the ring completely, removing all paste that may have become trapped.

  • Wipe the ring with a clean cloth removing all excess water and paste.
  • Tuesday, May 24, 2011

    How do you make a simple ring?

    The important part in making the ring is that choosing its size before we make it. Normally when a person says he need a 23 size ring we should do it 3-4 size small. If we are doing it in silver clay we should do it 2 sizes big. If it’s in the metal it should be done 3-4 size small , that would be 19-20 size. We should do the band of the ring first. Then we should do the bezel separately.
    The bezel size depends on the size of the stone we fitting on it. Normally if you want to see your stone better and if it’s a single stone setting ring then 22.0 size stone would be better. This size stone brings out the beauty of the ring out. The bezel should be done according to the size of stone we using on the ring, but the stone should not be fitted to the bezel.
    Then we should cut the band ring in the top middle, a single line.
    Then have to put the ring on the metal ring sizer and bring it to the correct size.
    Then take the ring out the ring sizer and fit the bezel to it and have to solder it good. Then let it cool in the cool water. After the fitting of the bezel we should file the ring and make it look perfect and polish it good. We can do 2-3 coat of polishing. After every coating we should put the ring in the boiling shampoo water for few minutes. After this process the ring will be polished well. Then we can start the stone fitting on it. Once the stone is fitted we can use a cloth to wipe the ring and bring out the shining.    

    Sunday, March 27, 2011

    The glitter of gems illumines the pages of Sri Lanka’s history. From the earliest times to the present, tourist from all over the world have found the resplendent isle, Sri Lanka, a gem of an island. It is also an island of gems.

    The island now named as the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka was known by earlier generations as Lanka, Serendib, Seilan, Taprobane and Ratnadvipa. Until 1972 before it became the Republic of Sri Lanka it was called Ceylon. Of these names “Ratnadvipa“ was the name used the ancients of her gems. (Ratna- gems; dvipa-island )

    Sri Lanka is also known as the pearl of the Indian Ocean as it resembles a pearl. The area of the country is 65,609 square kilometers (25,332 square miles). It is 447 kilometers long and 225 kilometers at its greatest width. Sri Lanka is mainly composed of the oldest rocks in the geological era which are known as the pre-Cambrian. Minerals of economic value such as ilmenite, rutile, zircon, graphite and gems are found in the island in large quantities of which all are exported to every corner of the globe.

    Sri Lanka has been famous for her fascinating gems from very early times. So much so that it could be said that it could be said that Sri Lanka’s gems are as popular as Sri Lanka’s tea. The country produces the best variety of precious stones and takes prominence in producing some of the heaviest gem minerals. The largest known Sapphire in the world weighing 42 lbs, (19 kilograms) has been found in Sri Lanka’s gem gravels. A 92 carat best quality Blue Sapphire and a 362 carat star stone which is supposed to be the world’s third largest stone are now at the State Gem Corporation.

    Sri Lanka’s gems are exhibited in many countries. The most famous Star Sapphire of Sri Lanka is now at the Museum of Natural History in New York. The British Museum posses two Alexandrite weighing 27.5 carats and 43 carats each. Sri Lanka’s gems were on display at the “JETRO” World Trade Exhibition held in Japan in 1975 in 1976 Sri Lanka participated in a jewelry and gem exhibition was also held in Colombo during the 5th Non-Aliened Summit Conference held in Sri Lanka in August 1976 mainly for the benefit of the foreign delegates. In August 1977 Sri Lanka’s gems were exhibited in a gem exhibition held in New Otani Hotel, Tokyo (Japan).

    In the philatelic field too Sri Lanka’s gems have been featured. On the 16th of June 1976 the Government of Sri Lanka issued four postage stamps depicting our local gems. They are the Blue Sapphire (60 cents), Cat’s Eye ( RS 1/15 ), Star Sapphire (Rs 2/-) and Ruby (Rs 5/-).


    It should be noted, however, that pearl, coral, jet and amber although used for ornamental purpose are not found in gem gravels. Pearls and corals are animal products whilst jet and amber are derived from vegetation. 
    Gems are generally purchased for ornamental value. They can be used in neckless, pendants, rings, ear-rings, nose-rings, bracelets, coronets, etc. They are also used in wrist watches.

    Astrologers advocate that any person who wishes to safeguard himself from evil planetary influences should wear a particular gem. Some gems are supposed to bring benefits to the water. For instance, in Sri Lanka, a ring called “Navaratna” (Nava-nine;Ratna-gems) is popularly worn. This ring consist of nine verities of gems is believed to ward off all evil influences and also bring Pease and contentment. There are other stones locally referred to as Kakaneela (almost jet black Blue Sapphire ) and Gomedaya (Hessonite Garnet ) which are also used in rings to protect the wearer against any evil planetary influences. These should be flawless and should be in contact with the skin of the wearer in order to obtain the best results. Finally, gems have also been associated with the signs of Zodiac and each of them is said to possess a specific characteristic such as sincerity, peace, innocence, happiness, prosperity, wisdom, good heath, etc